Thursday, September 9, 2010

Think about it Thursday...

I can't believe it's been a week since I was on here last! Time flies when you're in a wedding celebrating all weekend! :) I wanted to get a little "deep" if you will today, and tag it " Think about it Thursday." Here we go ...

One of my favorite books that I've ever read is Randy Pausch's "The Last Lecture." I read it for the second time on the beach this summer and will probably read it again and again. A lot of people think that it's a sad story about a man dying from cancer and shy away from reading it. But, it's actually one of those books that highlights so many refreshing things to remember about life and how to live it fully, while putting your own life in perspective and making you realize how special your life really is.

One chapter in the book is titled "Watch What They Do, Not What They Say." He shares the best piece of advice he got from a female colleague that he wanted to pass along to his daughter. He believes this is the best advice he's ever heard ... "when it comes to men who are romantically interested in you, it's really simple. Just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do." I agree with Randy. This is the truth on so many levels, not just when it comes to romance, but any relationship you have with another person. Just like "actions speak louder than words", people's words will only take them so far. Their actions will take them the rest of the way. When it comes to girls/women listening to a man's words, they invest too much on their words, when they really should be watching what these men are doing to prove their words. When it comes to friends saying  all these different promises, we should be watching to see if they are actually capable of fulfilling these promises, or if they are just left empty. I have fallen victim to this many of times, and Randy's words allow me to put things back into perspective and really focus on what the truth is, and what is really coming from the heart.

At the same time, reflect on your own words; do they match up with your actions? Do your actions fall short of what you are communicating to those around you? If they are falling short, focus on your shortcomings and improve on them. Men, if you're reading this - I will hear what you say, but I will take Randy's colleagues advice and pay attention to what you do instead.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!

As sad as I am to see the summer end after this weekend, I am excited to see what this football season will bring! 75 man roster will go to the 53 man roster, and the tailgating can officially begin! I will be going to my first away game this season in Cleveland to see them take on the Pats! This will be the first time I have ever been to a stadium other than a Boston based one ...

With that being said, what is your favorite tailgating food? My tops are buffalo chicken dip, chili queso dip, and some burgers. I've had some great ribs and venison while tailgating too! I would like to learn a new recipe, does anyone have any great ones to share with me for this season?


I have never made this before, but it seems fitting :)