Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Sister's Wedding Week!

Ok, ok, ok, so maybe she's not my sister, as I'm an only child, BUT she might as well be we've been in each others lives for so long! In 7 days my VERY FIRST childhood friend will be walking down the aisle a single girl, and walking back as a married lady! I simply can't believe it! Catie and I met when I moved down the street from her about 20 years ago and we have been partners in crime ever since! We have choreographed endless dances, jumped a million waves at the ocean, and supported each other's decisions in our life paths...

Her life path took to an amazing man, Kevin, and they have a bond/love/friendship/romance that any hopeless romantic (like myself) would be envious of. They compliment and balance each other in so many different aspects of life, it is such a refreshing thing to witness. Catherine and I have been having so much fun planning her wedding the last 8 months via Gchat (we are talented!) and making decisions for the wedding weekend, and he we are the week before the big day! I am so lucky to have her in my life and I can't wait to enjoy this wedding with her and her family! Here's to Catie and Kevin!! 9.5!! Love you both! xxxo Kaitlin


  1. Love it! I can't wait to see pics!

  2. So excited Sister!!!!! I love you so much and can't wait to share this very special day with you after all these years and all the things we have been through together. xoxoxoxo
